Sunday, January 11, 2015


"A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015"

Poet: lucky for her we have a lawn covered in dandelions; endless wishes.

Shot on a Canon mkiii with 50mm 1.4 lens - 1/1600, f1.8, ISO 125


I'm overwhelmed at the response to this project, both here and on instagram. Thanks so much for joining in with such enthusiasm; it's good to know that you're inspired and motivated.

I noticed a few people mentioned that they started strong in 2014 and, sometime throughout the year, life got in the way and they left the project by the wayside. I think the key to seeing this project through to 52/52 is to pick up the camera and take a photo. We can get so caught up in the busyness of life and the perfection of the portrait that often, these two things only become hindrances. Treat Sunday as your deadline and, even if you aren't entirely happy with the photo you have captured (sometimes life only gives us time for five shots in a week), post it anyway. I promise that in retrospect, you will value that photo just as much as the next. 

My favourite portraits of the week: Anya deep in thought / a little girl from Iceland, rugged up and absolutely joyful / ringlets and a smirk; I love a good b+w portrait.

And for those of you who asked for a button to use on the sidebar, here are some simple yet beautiful options created by the very talented, Oana Befort (make sure you check out her blog, her world is a beautiful one). To add them onto your sidebar, simply save images as and paste onto your blog - you can either link back to me or link to your 52 photos. 

Pop back this afternoon for my first photography post. I'll be answering some of the questions that were asked last week and addressing the first (perhaps most important) step to shooting manual on your DSLR.

If you want to link to a photo on your instagram account, follow these steps. Otherwise, simply add your blog details: 


The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Oh that's a beautiful picture - what's not to love about blowing dandelion clocks - my girls call them blowing flowers!

  2. Oh I long for Summer looking at her, such fun!

  3. Such a beautiful portrait. I love your comment about sometimes posting imperfect photos as part of the project. This is my third year joining in, and I totally agree. Sometimes the memories are better with the not-so-perfect portraits! Laura x

  4. Great tips about staying in the game this year. Lets be honest, I'm pretty happy I made it to week two, ha.
    I love the sunlight in Poets hair in this one. x

  5. A beautiful portrait Jodi and really looking forward to your post later today. Thank you for inspiring me x

  6. For some reason that I cannot recall we call Dandelions 'Santa Claus's' - a lovely portrait of your long-haired girl.

  7. Sage advice, the picking up the camera part. Because you're right, even the imperfect portraits are as dear to a mama's heart as those worthy of a spot on the mantle. xx

  8. I have just spent the morning mowing the dandelions...not the lawn, the dandelions! I almost posted a photo of Ruby blowing dandelions this week! She says each time you blow them, a fairy is born. Poet looks so gentle, and suddenly so much more grown up! x Dre

  9. This photo is so lovely! I just discovered your blog and I'm in love :)

  10. I have definitely joined! I was so happy to discover beautiful blogs thanks to this project… Althought i m still feeling a bit uncomfortable about posting a pic of my baby on my blog… For now i'm posting the blurry ones, and keeping the "proper" ones in my files, to make an album at the end of the year!

  11. I love this linky; so many beautiful portraits!

  12. This is beautiful. I joined this year with a double agenda. I wanted to write a letter to my son every week in 2014 and fell short, however I took a lot of pictures. This year I'm combining the two for when he is older :)

  13. I love the idea, and trying to join for the year. I know it will make wonderful memories.

  14. Stunning picture, thank you for hosting such a fabulous project x

  15. You have it spot on Jodi, just pick up the camera and take a photo! I love this project and am devouring your blog and all your tips. It's projects like this that make me try and understand how to take a great photograph and I can't wait to see mine progress over the course of the year xx

  16. Cute photo - my boys love dandelion clocks too :) I've posted another iPhone pic this week, but at least it is a pic, and it's a meaningful one to me, so that's the main thing! That said I do intend to get the big camera out more this year!! :)

  17. Stunning photo! I am always slightly jealous of your gorgeous sunshine-filled summer photos when we are in the thick of winter! ha!

  18. I'm so excited to have found this project and I am late starting but I can back date some photos I guess. This will really help me to keep on track and remember to document my babies during the chaos of life! Your blog is so simple and lovely thank you :-)

  19. I'm so excited to have found this project and I am late starting but I can back date some photos I guess. This will really help me to keep on track and remember to document my babies during the chaos of life! Your blog is so simple and lovely thank you :-)


© 2014 Jodi Wilson. You may not take images or content from this site without written permission.